Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reluctant to Know

The grandma-type, you have met them, haven't you?

They are not to know any more. For example, you teach them computer (e-mail or play games). Now can play Mahjong on computer already? They refused to learn. They refused to know. They say: "You learn lah ..."

They thought they have already know, or they don't need to know, because they are ready to leave the earth.

I'm not here to offense anyone, but to project the image of people.

I myself, sometime, refused to learn too. For example: in shopping complex, a promoter came to promote their product. I avoid to talk to them. It's because I don't want to hear them, because I have to pay for the product!!! I usually don't use new product, it's not proven to be good to me. Promoter usually promote, not telling the ugly side, so it's hard to listen to them.

On the other side, a "product" is proven, used by many people globally, over all the earth. It's not new, it has been exist since beginning. Most important is, that it's free! We don't have to pay, as it has been paid.

You are not not-listening, you just need time. Ya, please do think about it, friend. =)

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